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Here's why cloud computing is the present and future of EdTech.

July 25, 2018

Not long ago any mention of 'the cloud' sounded like something from a futuristic fantasy. Like flying cars in Back to the Future, the idea of being able to access and share information at any time, from multiple devices seemed too far-fetched to be made reality.

Fast forward to today and you'd be hard-pressed to find a business - EdTech or not - that isn't using the cloud in some critical aspect of their tech infrastructure. This technology is no longer just a thing of the future, it's our present.

A quick refresher: What is cloud computing?

In its simplest form, cloud computing is about moving data and programs from local servers to the Internet. This migration means users can access and share that information anywhere, any time from multiples devices.

Cloud computing also enables access to technology services - such as infrastructure or platforms - through the internet. As a result, IT is much more agile and cost-effective, opening the floor for innovation to businesses and institutions of all sizes.

Bottom line: Cloud computing transforms the way we do business. It is accessible, scalable and secure - a fit for nearly any kind of organisation in the modern era.

Where does the cloud fit into EdTech and higher education?

EdTech is defined as the use of technological processes and resources to improve education. By that definition, cloud computing is a shoe-in; it offers the ability to serve not just educators and administrators, but students, who come with their own technology devices, needs, and expectations.

@educause finds data analytics, cloud computing amongst the most influential #edtech innovations in the past 20 years (@edtech_highered) #extr

— EXTR Higher Ed (@EXTRHigherEd) July 23, 2018

For universities, one of the main benefits of cloud technology is savings – in both time and money. Leveraging cloud computing eliminates the need for purchasing specialised software and as a result enables higher levels of flexibility in both access and scale.

For students, the cloud opens a world of accessibility. Left your lecture notes on your laptop in the dorm room? You can access them on your phone. Need to update your student payment information so you can eat in the dining hall? Open your laptop and submit your details.

Everything today is about instantaneous information and ease of use - the cloud makes this possible.

What role can it play in international student recruitment?

Cloud computing's biggest benefits are accessibility and security - two key components for success in recruiting international students and managing their needs.

With the help of cloud infrastructure, international education agents have a secure network that provides easy access to the information students need about their relevant institutions.

More than that, these networks provide a safe system on which to store critical student details - such as applications, payment information, insurance forms and more. By leveraging the power of the cloud, education agents can assure prospects and their parents that all their information is safe, secure and easily accessible when needed.

How can agents and institutions better attract #intled prospects? @_cohort Go discuss the 4 key trends in #international #student #recruitment

— Cohort (@_cohort) July 24, 2018

For all these reasons and more, Cohort Go's platform uses cloud-based solutions. They are trusted, secure and tailored for the needs of education agents and students alike. Our team of innovators stay on top of the latest technology to ensure we are always finding better ways to connect providers with agents, agents with students, and students with their dreams.

To learn more about what the Cohort Go platform can offer you, reach out to our team today!

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