What To Know About Pre-Existing Conditions On OVHC

When it comes to applying for OVHC (Overseas Visitor Health Cover) one of the key things any provider will ask you about is any pre-existing conditions. But what does this mean for your health insurance as a visitor to Australia? 

As one of the most important aspects of your cover to understand, we’re delving deeper into this element of your insurance application. We’ll be looking at what an OVHC pre-existing condition is and what you should expect your cover to include. So, let’s get started. 

What Is a Pre-Existing Medical Condition?<h2>

A pre-existing medical condition is any illness or ailment that you’ve experienced prior to taking out your insurance cover. This can include anything you have been diagnosed with and received treatment for in the past, as well as anything you are still waiting on results for. 

Whenever you apply for insurance, you will be asked to outline any pre-existing conditions as this may affect your premiums and the type of cover you can apply for. 

How Pre-Existing Conditions Can Affect Overseas Visitor Health Cover

Pre-existing conditions can affect a range of aspects when it comes to your OVHC policy. First, it can lead to higher premiums as you’re more likely to make a claim. However, this can differ depending on the insurer. 

You should also consider waiting periods. Many policy providers include waiting periods as standard, which means that you may not have cover for a certain amount of time for your pre-existing illness. Be sure to check this before applying. 

And finally, some insurers may not cover you for every condition, so you should make sure you can claim for your pre-existing condition before settling on a provider. 

Common Pre-Existing Conditions for OVHC Applicants<h3>

Wondering what counts as an OVHC pre-existing condition? Here’s a list of some of the common illnesses that may be relevant when filling out your application: 

  • Asthma 
  • Diabetes 
  • Heart disease 
  • Cancer 
  • Arthritis 
  • Epilepsy 

This doesn’t cover everything, so it’s worth checking with individual OVHC providers directly, to see what they consider to be a pre-existing condition. 

What Does OVHC Pre-Existing Condition Cover Include?

Once your waiting period is up and you have full access to your health cover, you may be able to claim for your pre-existing conditions.

Broadly speaking, OVHC policies should cover you for emergency treatments when it comes to your pre-existing illness, as well as any specialist doctor visits. In cases where medication is required, you may also be able to claim for part payment towards your prescription. 

Remember, this may change depending on the provider you choose. So, if you’re looking for insurance and have a pre-existing condition, make sure you do your due diligence. Compare different providers and plans to get the right fit for you. 

How to Apply for OVHC with a Pre-Existing Condition

When applying for overseas visitor health cover with a pre-existing illness​, there are certain measures you need to take. You don’t want to make any obvious mistakes and end up with the wrong type of insurance. 

So here’s our step-by-step guide on how to go about this process: 

Step 1: Collect all relevant medical documentation 

You’ll need evidence of your pre-existing condition(s) which includes your diagnosis, past treatments, prescription details, test results and any other similar information. 

All of this will help the insurance assessor to understand your ailments and determine the right type of cover. 

Step 2: Research OVHC providers

Next, you want to start doing your research. Look for providers that will offer the best cover for your pre-existing condition and remember to use an OVHC comparison tool to find the best quotes. Check for exclusions and premium costs to help with decision-making. 

Step 3: Choose your provider

Once you’ve compared all your options, it’s time to settle on the right one for you. Select your provider based on all the information you’ve acquired. 

Step 4: Complete a health assessment

Some providers may ask you to undergo a health assessment. If the provider you’ve chosen requires this, then make sure you complete one. Again, this will help with finding the right cover by demonstrating the current state of your condition. 

Step 5: Review and apply

Carefully review all the information given to you by your provider, including the terms and conditions. Once you’re happy, fill out the application document and submit. 

And that’s it. Now you know everything there is to know about pre-existing conditions and OVHC. But, if you’re ever unsure, you can always call a provider directly to discuss in further detail. We hope this article has helped and if you want to compare the different healthcare cover options, be sure to use our helpful tool to compare Overseas Visitor Health Insurance

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